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small & medium caps,...

โพสต์แล้ว: เสาร์ ส.ค. 02, 2003 12:58 pm
โดย Steve007
If u like small & medium caps,watch these stocks:
1.LST ;the biggest player in Palm oil refinery industry just take over the biggest palm plant company(UPOIC)@ very low price,ensure LST to have enormous supply of raw material.LST is also a dividend stock.(L/T target=40)
2.CEI;Honeywell(The big player in electrical product of the world,just approved the quality of CEI's product,means that CEI doesn't have to depend on Hunter fan only,anyway,Hunter still have a contract to buy CEI's fan1-2 yearsmore,with the long relationship between them will force Hunter still have to order CEI's product.Recently US just renew GSP for Thai fans.(L/T target=28)
3.IT,IT-W1;The huge demand of computers and their affiliates will drive the sales volume of IT,and IT will diversify their branches to many big provinces to avoid high competency in Bangkok.(L/T target by DBS=4.70)
4.TICON,TICON-W1;AMATA 'd just bought these share @ 20 and 15 baht.They are the good strategic partners now,with the high growth rate according to the coming FDI.(L/T target=30)
5.VNG;The biggest MDF & Particle boards in Asia,with the huge demand drive VNG to expand its capacity ,the year 2004-2005 will be the golden year of VNG.This year is the 60th year of VNG group,they 'd just celebrated,let's see that there will be any exciting for the share holders .(L/T target=15)
6.MIDA;the smart strategy to do the business of the owner make the stock looks attractive.(L/T target=28)
7.SE-ED-W1;15/12/03 will be the first date to exercise to be a common share @ 1.65 baht,at the closing price,6.20 baht,of SE-ED,you'll get 20% yield,and about 40% per annum.The growth of the users of Computors and internet from Aeuarthorn project and the modern Thai population will drive the sales volume of computer and internet pocket books and magazines,(please notice that SE-ED's products mostly are these categories).NMG holds the majority share of SE-ED,means that the unlimited support for SE-ED.The new BOI policy for printing industry will make SE-ED get more margin if it consider to more outsourcing .Now,Se-ed book center(SBC) has the most branches compare to competitors such as Nai-in or Dokyar,means that SBC has more power to negotiate to any suppliers for more margins,and the year 2000-2002,SE-ED had expanded much more branches,most of them are now beyond the break even point already ,they will generat more profit from now on.(L/T target for SE_ED=7.50,SE-ED-W1=5.50)
8.PSL;Its industry is now in an upturn,the hike of freight rate will drive PSL's EPS to be at a miracle figure and PSL isthe lowest P/E stock in the industry.